
Puddleby Court Log: 11 Summer, year 533 of The Ascendancy. 23:34

In the matter of TheRanger v Babajaga, accused of “theft”

Before the jurors: Alorthia, Areel, Bizob, Bocephus, Corin Edok, Dimsdale, Golden, Graymun, Green Horse

With Bellafae serving as Bailiff.
To all who read these precepts, the following transcript of this trial is true and correct, to the best of my knowledge.
Clera, reporting.

[Haengemie] This court is adjourned.
[Bellafae] This court is now in session, The Honourable Judge Haengemie presiding.
[Haengemie] <standard pre-trial court briefing>
[TheRanger] One day I was lurking around town, as I always do.
[Haengemie] TheRanger, you have 60 seconds to speak.
[TheRanger] I happened to come across a bow
[TheRanger] Not wishing to pass up a chance of a free item
[TheRanger] I pick it up and continue lurking.
[TheRanger] Next event, I am confronted by many a large fighter
[Haengemie] 10 seconds remaining, Please finish up, or say "done"...
[TheRanger] demanding the bow
[TheRanger] I drop my coins and bow
[TheRanger] and run for fear of my life
[Haengemie] Thank you, TheRanger
[Haengemie] Babajaga, you have 60 seconds to speak.
[Babajaga] I have many witnesses to the theft of MY bow! From ME!
[Haengemie] Babajaga, you have 60 seconds to speak.
[Babajaga] In the square!
[Babajaga] I called out, over SS, and got help from friendly exiles
[Babajaga] who made sure that MY bow
[Babajaga] was given back to me
[Babajaga] done
[Haengemie] Thank you, Babajaga
[Haengemie] TheRanger, you have 90 seconds to speak.
[Haengemie] TheRanger, you have 90 seconds to speak.
[TheRanger] I did not steal my bow.
[TheRanger] I did not steal her bow.
[TheRanger] In fact she stole my coins
[TheRanger] as I was running away, for my very dear life, I notice her picking up MY earned coins
[TheRanger] with a greedy smirk on her face
[TheRanger] May I note that I earn little
[TheRanger] and those few coins support my living and health.
[TheRanger] done
[Haengemie] Thank you, TheRanger
[Haengemie] Babajaga, you have 90 seconds to speak.
[Haengemie] Babajaga, you have 90 seconds to speak.
[Babajaga] Not true at all. After I got my bow back, I left town and headed for hunting, where I EARN my money
[Babajaga] I didnt even see his..coins at all..
[Babajaga] done
[Haengemie] Thank you, Babajaga
[Haengemie] <standard jury verdict briefing>
[Bellafae] Bellafae hands Haengemie the jury's verdict.

  Votes innocent: 5
  Votes guilty: 1
  Votes frivolous: 3
  Abstaining: 0

[Haengemie] Babajaga this court finds you innocent. You are free to go.

  Court adjourned at 0:9 on 12 Summer, 533