
Puddleby Court Log: 16 Summer, year 533 of The Ascendancy. 07:03

In the matter of Gil-Galad v BoreFang, accused of “general mayhem”

Before the jurors: Drikalis, Ffodor, Entil'Zha, Hitomi, Adrian, Al Capone, Althea, Boom

With Bellafae serving as Bailiff.
To all who read these precepts, the following transcript of this trial is true and correct, to the best of my knowledge.
Clera, reporting.

[Haengemie] This court is adjourned.
[Bellafae] This court is now in session, The Honourable Judge Haengemie presiding.
[Haengemie] <standard pre-trial court briefing>
[Gil-Galad] Citizens of Puddleby! Allegiance of the common! I urge you to hear my plea!
[Haengemie] Gil-Galad, you have 60 seconds to speak.
[Gil-Galad] Borefang, sylvan, I have accused of many things.
[Gil-Galad] Amongst which, is his noise pollution of puddleby.
[Gil-Galad] In town, we all know, he lurks
[Gil-Galad] Asks for bad karma, among other things
[Gil-Galad] He shouts
[Haengemie] 10 seconds remaining, Please finish up, or say "done"...
[Gil-Galad] "Bad karma for Babajaga!"
[Gil-Galad] Since I have not time...
[Gil-Galad] To say my arguments
[Haengemie] Thank you, Gil-Galad
[Gil-Galad] I shall say them soon
[Haengemie] BoreFang, you have 60 seconds to speak.
[BoreFang] "general mayhem"? "many things"?? this morning, some 6 hours ago... theranger sued me for about the same "crime"
[Haengemie] BoreFang, you have 60 seconds to speak.
[BoreFang] "crime".. he lost, the case was frivolous... as before, this case is a waste of court time.
[BoreFang] I apologize for mine and gil's behalf for wasting the time of the honorable Jury
[Haengemie] 10 seconds remaining, Please finish up, or say "done"...
[BoreFang] I dont think we should put people to jail for "general mayhem", "many bad things" etc.
[Haengemie] Thank you, BoreFang
[Haengemie] Gil-Galad, you have 90 seconds to speak.
[Gil-Galad] Beware of BoreFang's biting tongue. He speaks not with truth.
[Haengemie] Gil-Galad, you have 90 seconds to speak.
[Gil-Galad] We all know borefang has too many crimes to mention
[Gil-Galad] One of which
[Gil-Galad] Shouting in town
[Gil-Galad] "Curse Babajaga! 300 coins!"
[Gil-Galad] Of course, those who end up doing the task do not get payed
[Gil-Galad] His apology is hollow
[Gil-Galad] His words are far outside what the delta tao guild accepts
[Gil-Galad] He plagues this town
[Gil-Galad] Look at his karma!
[Gil-Galad] Watch him shout!
[Haengemie] 10 seconds remaining, Please finish up, or say "done"...
[Gil-Galad] You cannot, in right mind, conceive of setting him free!
[Gil-Galad] Treason it is! He lies!
[Gil-Galad] Perjury!
[Haengemie] Thank you, Gil-Galad
[Haengemie] BoreFang, you have 90 seconds to speak.
[BoreFang] "DT guild???" if you finds a crime in what I do, please tell us, your preacherlike lecturing is obscuring the truth
[Haengemie] BoreFang, you have 90 seconds to speak.
[BoreFang] truth
[BoreFang] youre just claiming me of "many things", because you have personal hatred towards me
[BoreFang] you cannot find a crime I have done, so you must do this... again
[BoreFang] I apologize on his behalf... he is blinded by hatred
[BoreFang] done
[Haengemie] Thank you, BoreFang
[Haengemie] <standard jury verdict briefing>
[Bellafae] Bellafae hands Haengemie the jury's verdict.

  Votes innocent: 1
  Votes guilty: 6
  Votes frivolous: 0
  Abstaining: 0

[Haengemie] BoreFang this court finds you guilty, as accused.
[Haengemie] <standard jury sentence briefing>
[Bellafae] Bellafae hands Haengemie the jury's sentencing recommendation.

  Total recommended jail time: 720 min
  Total recommended fine: 500c
  Total jurors: 7
  Avg recommended jail/fine: 102 min/71c

[Haengemie] BoreFang, you are hereby sentenced to spend 102 minutes in the Puddleby jail,
[Haengemie] and fined 71 coins.

Court adjourned at 8:1 on 16 Summer, 533